Flooded Forest and Savannah Extension Tour (6 days)

This extension tour is focused mainly on birds from flooded forests and some rarities from other environments like ‘terra firme’ forest and savannahs in north bank of Amazon River, in two main areas. The Santarém area is located in east bank of Tapajós River, a biogeographical area named Tapajós Area of Endemism, where flooded forests, ‘terra-firme’ forest and savannahs can be found. The Oriximiná area is in north bank of Amazon River, in Guyana Area of Endemism, this little known Brazilian region contain large patches of forests and campinas (a savannah-like vegetation). The climate in the region is warm and wet most of the year, join us in these uncommon birding spots with stunning landscapes and terrific birds.

Sulphur-breasted Parakeet

Aratinga maculata

Least Concern


* Local races
¹ Recent splits


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